If you’re reading this article, you’re probably curious and want to know what breed your cat is? After all, each cat has unique characteristics that can reveal its origin and lineage. Finding out your cat’s breed can be a challenge, especially if you’ve adopted a cat of unknown origin.
In this article, we’ll learn more about the characteristics of cat breeds and provide practical tips on how to identify your pet feline’s breed. Get ready to unravel the mysteries behind cats’ distinctive coats and traits.
Knowing your cat’s breed will give you a greater understanding of its personality and specific needs. So read on and find out how to unravel this feline enigma!

Pay attention to your cat’s physical characteristics
Each breed of cat has distinct physical characteristics that can help identify its origin. Differences in size, coat, head and body shape can be observed in various breeds.
For example, Persian cats are known for their long, thick coats, while Sphynx cats are hairless. Observing these physical characteristics can be the first step towards discovering your cat’s breed.
If you can’t identify your cat’s breed straight away, look closely at its coat and physiognomy, observing the following items:
- Patterns in the coat: such as stripes, spots or solid colors;
- Coat length: short, medium or long;
- Coat texture: fine, dense, soft or rough;
- Body shape: slender, robust, athletic;
- Ear size: large, medium or small;
- Body size: large, medium or small.
Observe the cat’s behavior
In addition to physical characteristics, cat breeds also have behavioral differences. Some breeds are known for being more affectionate and sociable, while others can be more independent or reserved.
Observing your cat’s behavior, such as its interaction with people and other animals, can provide clues about its breed.
Compare photos of cats from well-known breeds
After carefully observing your feline’s physical characteristics and behavior, look for photos of kittens that look like him in the image galleries and breed information available right here on our blog in the cat breeds category.
But there are also some specific characteristics that can help you identify which group your cat fits into:

Category 1: Persian and exotic cats
Persian cats have small ears, dense fur and can be medium or large in size. Exotic cats such as the Scottish Fold have small ears that are folded forward, giving them a unique appearance.
The Selkirk Rex cat breed, on the other hand, has a curly, dense coat that distinguishes it from other breeds. They have small ears and a robust body structure.
These are just a few examples of exotic cats; each breed has unique characteristics, both in terms of appearance and temperament.
Category 2: Bengalis and Maine Coon cats
Category 2: This category includes Bengal cats and Maine Coon cats. Bengal cats have coats with distinct markings, such as leopard spots, and may also have spots on their paws.
Maine Coon cats, on the other hand, have a dense coat and can have different marking patterns, such as stripes or spots, accompanied by spots on their paws.
Category 3: short-haired or hairless cats
Short-haired or hairless cats, such as the Sphynx breed, are an example of this category. They have large ears and a defined muscular structure. Despite being hairless, their appearance can vary from slender to robust.
Another example in this category is the Cornish Rex cat, which has a short, fine, wavy coat and large ears.
Category 4: Siamese and Oriental cats
Siamese and Oriental cats have extremely fine hair that can blend in with the skin, as is the case with the Abyssinian cat. They also have an elongated posture, small ears and a thick or thin tail.
Now that you know a little more about the groups and characteristics of the different cat breeds, you can make a comparative analysis of the characteristics of your feline and the breeds mentioned to get a better idea of its origin.

Identifying mixed breeds
In some cases, cats can be a mixture of several breeds, which makes breed identification more challenging. However, there are characteristics that can help identify the presence of certain breeds.
For example, a cat with intense blue eyes and a dotted coat could indicate a possible mix of Siamese and Bengal breeds.
Looking at distinct features, such as coat color and length, ear shape and body size, can help identify clues about the breeds involved in your mixed cat’s lineage.
DNA tests for cats
An increasingly popular option for discovering a cat’s breed is to carry out a cat-specific DNA test. These tests are similar to the DNA tests available for humans and can provide information about your cat’s genetic make-up.
By taking a sample of your cat’s saliva or oral SWAB, you can send it to a specialized laboratory that will carry out the analysis and provide you with a detailed report on the breeds present in your cat’s DNA.
Consult a vet
If you’re having trouble identifying your cat’s breed, it’s always advisable to consult a vet. Veterinarians have the experience and knowledge to assess your cat’s physical and behavioral characteristics and help you identify the breed.
They can also provide additional guidance on specific care for certain breeds.
Experiences of other cat owners
A great way to learn more about cat breeds and their characteristics is to listen to the experiences of other cat owners. Participating in groups of cat owners, whether in person or online, can provide valuable insights.
Discovering your cat’s breed can be an intriguing and fun process. By carefully observing your cat’s physical, behavioral and genetic characteristics, as well as using online resources and consulting experts, you’ll be one step closer to identifying your pet feline’s breed.
Remember that, regardless of the breed, each cat is unique and special in its own way, and the bond you create with it is the most valuable of all.
We hope this article has been useful to you and has cleared up some doubts about how to find out your cat’s breed. If you have any more questions or would like to share your experience, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. We’re here to help!
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And let me know in the comments below if you’ve already found out what breed your cat is.